Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Filming Number Four.

Early morning, we went filming. We got props that included a picnic blanket, and ordinary everyday things like bags and phone. This, we thought, would make the audience feel at home. We filmed in the same place at Maggie Bottom. And this will make the audience connect and hopefully feel that something will become of this. We decided to use dialogue in this part as it isnt the opening anymore, we only needed to film the scene once as we knew exactly what we were doing.

We Are Finally Finished ?? Thought Not.

Our group showed our teachers of our finished practical. We looked over the whole thing and they thought that all in all it was a pretty good piece of work. One of our teachers anounced that it looked like a trailer. but out main teacher loved it. She loved the music and the effect and the different convensions we used. The only thing that she thought we should do is add something on to it at the end.. The timing was a bit short. Therefore we planned to go out filming for one last time.

Before, we used the conventions of a blonde girl. This was obvious to te audience that the blonde never escapes. Therefore, we thought using a brunette would add to our convensions of a thriller movie. As i am a brunette i got voted to be the actor. But if you knew me well, you would know i am not an actor !! Therefore we got a freind to do it and she was very happy to do so. We planned out on a piece of scrap paper what would happen as i is a very last minute thing. We will be going out int he next few days to film.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Editing The Titles.

I came into the lesson not knowing wha to change on the film. I got a few of my freinds to have a look at it telling them nothing of the film or what it is about.
They watched it and enjoyed the opening saying that it was a really good film. I then asked them what they thought i could improve on. They said that the titles come in and go out to quick and does not flow with the music. They also explained that it doesnt really make sense as it is the start of the film. But then again. Is itr supposed to make complete sense at the start of a film only 1 minutes 30 seconds in ? No. It is leaving a lot of questions in the audiences head.

Anyways, back to editing. My freinds said the titles come in and go out to quick and they do not fit in with the music. Therefore, i decided to let them fade in and then fade out very slowly. I found the effect bit and changed the percentage of how much of the lettering is shown and i dotted it around equally on each title.

Me and Charley then changed the font to a different font as our teachr said it was still a bit to fancy and bold. Once these were changed it was time to put the titles i made in photoshop. These were easy to put in, We saved them both as TIFF files and dragged them into were we wanted to put the clips. We put the main title in when the time on the clock turned to 4 oclock. We put our production clip at the start of our film as it will introduce us before he film starts as normal.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Back To The Editing.

Well, editing is going really well. We have made our film look like a film.. Which is a start. It has a good story line to it, using different effects and music is added on to it. It is all fitting together nicely.

We now need to make it perfect. We went through the individual clips and used the razor tool to nip off ends of this and that until we were happy with the outcome. We added clips in to make the story flow through more. This ensured us that we would get it in on the deadline. It was still 1 minute and 30 seconds though but we didnt take much notice with that as there were more important things to worry about. We put basic titles into the film. We chose a simple font in black because anything to fancy would not work with the genre. We fiddled the wording around. We used different sizes and moved it around the clip until we worked it round.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Aqualung - Strange and beautiful Official


We have finally found some music that we feel fits the genre. It may have lyrics and yeah, film openings do not tend to have lyrics at the beginning. But having everything perfect isnt fun. The convensions are all the same as thriller convensions are. Our group feels that the lyrics fit perfectly with the film as it explains the story that will later come. This mean that we will not have to have a voice over because the voice over will not work with the lyrics and to be honest, we are runny out of time ! Oneof our teachers thinks that it looks more like a trailer and the other one thinks it fits perectly. Therefore we have decided to keep it. We imported the music as a wmv file and attatched it to our film. We played around with the levels and the sounds and we figured out the perfect way.

It is called Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Our Production Title.

Thinking of a production line that will work is harder than it looks....
We thought of loads of different ones like, Chibang, Fuzz, etc, BUT.. None of them caught our eye.

We were at it for a few days tryingt o think of one that would work and that is simple. Then it suddenly hit us. "CIA PRODUCTIONS" the first letters of our names formed together. It seemed to work for us. It was simple and easy to remember.

Next though, was an image to go with the title which will be able to be used before our film to show who made it. It was a hard decision but i played around on Photoshop again and thought of a good idea. As i am in to art i thought that som sort of drawing involved in the image would make it more individual. No animation, just plain and simple like the title for our film. I tried different inages of scetches but still couldnt think.

I thought of watching the film and then c I a. Thats sorted it. Using an eye that would symbolise our business. I displayed different ways of presenting the wording around the eye and asked my group to choose the one which would work best.

This is the one all three of us decided on.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Editing Continued !

We are now getting this thing on a rolleee !
At the beginning all of the group thought we were not getting anywhere. However, now, we have finally got our acts together and it is coming along quite nicely.

We have finally found a way around the fact that some of the fliming cannot line up. We are going to use a fastened up way to the clips which will look like she has been in there for ages. She will be in different positions and will look and diffinately be distressed. This could work ! We tried t this way ad found that it is the best thing we have done to the whole film yet !

Once the clips were fasten right up, it still looked like a servalience camera, BUT, we waned more. We searched the whole pragram and found a special effect that could be added in ovr the top of the clip to make it look like a proper servalence camera. We played around with the boarder aroundt he edges and thinned the line out so the screenw as still big. The messiness of the broken screen was then added on the top so that it looked old and haggered. This useda convention of darkness within the thriller as it makes you stare and feel for the girl. Without the effects it felt as though you were in the same room as her whereas now it looks more that you are watching her from a different room and she is all alone.

We then found a timer that could be used to show. As the film is called 4AM, the timings could add up to four oclock. This worked for us well and we timed the clips up to the times it needed to be.

All in all, this session went extremely well and made us feel back on track again !