Saturday 17 April 2010


We have finally found some music that we feel fits the genre. It may have lyrics and yeah, film openings do not tend to have lyrics at the beginning. But having everything perfect isnt fun. The convensions are all the same as thriller convensions are. Our group feels that the lyrics fit perfectly with the film as it explains the story that will later come. This mean that we will not have to have a voice over because the voice over will not work with the lyrics and to be honest, we are runny out of time ! Oneof our teachers thinks that it looks more like a trailer and the other one thinks it fits perectly. Therefore we have decided to keep it. We imported the music as a wmv file and attatched it to our film. We played around with the levels and the sounds and we figured out the perfect way.

It is called Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung.

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