Thursday, 1 April 2010

Editing Continued !

We are now getting this thing on a rolleee !
At the beginning all of the group thought we were not getting anywhere. However, now, we have finally got our acts together and it is coming along quite nicely.

We have finally found a way around the fact that some of the fliming cannot line up. We are going to use a fastened up way to the clips which will look like she has been in there for ages. She will be in different positions and will look and diffinately be distressed. This could work ! We tried t this way ad found that it is the best thing we have done to the whole film yet !

Once the clips were fasten right up, it still looked like a servalience camera, BUT, we waned more. We searched the whole pragram and found a special effect that could be added in ovr the top of the clip to make it look like a proper servalence camera. We played around with the boarder aroundt he edges and thinned the line out so the screenw as still big. The messiness of the broken screen was then added on the top so that it looked old and haggered. This useda convention of darkness within the thriller as it makes you stare and feel for the girl. Without the effects it felt as though you were in the same room as her whereas now it looks more that you are watching her from a different room and she is all alone.

We then found a timer that could be used to show. As the film is called 4AM, the timings could add up to four oclock. This worked for us well and we timed the clips up to the times it needed to be.

All in all, this session went extremely well and made us feel back on track again !

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