Wednesday 21 April 2010

We Are Finally Finished ?? Thought Not.

Our group showed our teachers of our finished practical. We looked over the whole thing and they thought that all in all it was a pretty good piece of work. One of our teachers anounced that it looked like a trailer. but out main teacher loved it. She loved the music and the effect and the different convensions we used. The only thing that she thought we should do is add something on to it at the end.. The timing was a bit short. Therefore we planned to go out filming for one last time.

Before, we used the conventions of a blonde girl. This was obvious to te audience that the blonde never escapes. Therefore, we thought using a brunette would add to our convensions of a thriller movie. As i am a brunette i got voted to be the actor. But if you knew me well, you would know i am not an actor !! Therefore we got a freind to do it and she was very happy to do so. We planned out on a piece of scrap paper what would happen as i is a very last minute thing. We will be going out int he next few days to film.

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